International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences (ISSN: 2394-5702)

International Journal in Commerce, IT and Social Sciences (IJCIS) is an open access, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal published by IJMR (International Journals of Multi-Dimensional Research). The main objective of IJCIS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. IJCIS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in Commerce, IT and social sciences and become the leading journal in Commerce, IT and social sciences in the world.
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of Commerce, management, marketing, finance, economics, banking, accounting, human resources management, international business, Information Technology, hotel and tourism, entrepreneurship development, business ethics, international relations, law, development studies, population studies, political science, history, journalism and mass communication, corporate governance, cross-cultural studies, public administration, psychology, philosophy, sociology, women studies, religious studies, social welfare, anthropology, linguistics, education and so on.