Our Vision :
The vision of the journals is to provide an academic platform to scholars all over the world to publish their novel, original, empirical and high quality research work.
Call for paper :
Authors are invited to submit manuscript reporting original research and review in this field. submitted manuscript must be in technical english.
Online submission :
The Journal publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Review Articles.
Welcome to IJMR
IJMR (International Journals Of Multi-Dimensional Research) is devoted to the dissemination of Scientific, Management and Technological information around the world and make all efforts towards achieving this goal. It seeks to strengthen research and advanced education in these and allied fields. IJMR encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. It is a registered non-profit association for academicians and researchers in the field of Engineering, Electronic Communication, Modeling & Simulation, Manufacturing Technologies, Marketing, Accounting, Economics, History, Law, Behavioural Science, Information Science and a myriad of other fields. It is an international medium for the publication of articles of interest to researchers in education and has rapidly become a major focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world. All the published papers are submitted to the major indexing services for indexing. Frequency: 12 Issues per year Subject Category: Management, Social Sciences, Engineering Science, Advanced Technology & IT
All the published papers are submitted to the major indexing services for indexing.
Frequency: 12 Issues per year
Subject Category: Management, Social Sciences, Engineering Science, Advanced Technology & IT
Submit your manuscript at: irjmss@gmail.com